WWSC Support to Community Events

This is a preview of the Support to Events Grant Application form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

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Support to Events Grant Application

* indicates a required field.

What you need before you start

This application form is for applicants who wish to apply for a  Event Support. 
To you use this form, start filling out the required details and then select which type of support you are applying for.

Who should apply:

  • This grant guideline is for use by community groups and individuals wishing to hold an event, who require in-kind support only.
  • If financial support is required, applicant must apply for funding under the Sponsorships and Contributions Grant guideline, that provides for both financial and in-kind support from Council. 


  • Applicable to all events NOT requiring financial support (In-kind support only)
  • Open all year round to all community groups wanting to hold an event for the community but do not want financial support.


If you would like assistance completing this form, please call 13 99 72 or email grants@westwimmera.vic.gov.au. 

You can start this form, and save and return to it later. 


Have you read and understood the Support to Events Grant Guidelines? * Required
The following documents/items may be required as part of this application
Please upload these documents in the upload section of this application form

Application Details

Response required.
Address Line 1, Suburb/Town, State/Province, Postcode, and Country are required. 
Must be an Australian phone number. 
Must be an email address. 
The ABN provided will be used to look up the following information.
Click Lookup above to check that you have entered the ABN correctly.
Information from the Australian Business Register
Entity name
ABN status
Entity type
Goods & Services Tax (GST)
DGR Endorsed
ATO Charity TypeMore information
ACNC Registration
Tax Concessions
Main business location
Must be an ABN. 
Are you a not-for-profit community groups operating in the West Wimmera Shire Council?
Are you a State Government affiliated organisation? If so how?

Event Location

Attach a file: Select stored file
    Attach a file: Select stored file

      Event Details

      How often will this event be held? * Required
      Response required.
      Must be a date. 
      Must be a date. 
      Must be a date. 
      Must be a date. 
      Cost of entry to the event? * Required

      Further Information about holding an Event. 

      Please refer to our Event Planning Guide for information on what other documents, plans or strategies you may need when holding an event. Risk and Emergency Management are essential considerations in any public or private event. 

      Read more here: https://www.westwimmera.vic.gov.au/Events/Planning-an-Event

      Event Checklist

      This checklist will assist to determine which permissions, permits and licences are required for this event.

      Will your event require road closures? * Required
      If yes, you must submit an Application for Temporary Road Closure to council no later than 6 weeks prior to the event.
      Will the event require traffic management? * Required
      Will your event have food stalls? * Required
      If yes, all food vendors must be registered with FoodTrader. Visit https://foodtrader.vic.gov.au/ to register (This was formally Streatrader).
      Will you be allowing alcohol at your event? * Required
      If yes, obtain a liquor licence from the Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation at www.vcglr.vic.gov.au
      If you require assistance to recruit volunteers, please contact the event and volunteer support officer at Council on 13 99 72 or by emailing volunteersupport@westwimmera.vic.gov.au.
      Is the building or venue enclosed or mostly enclosed, or do you intend to install temporary fencing or other barriers? * Required
      Will the event use public toilets? * Required
      Will the event require waste management, including rubbish or sewerage. * Required
      Do you intend to install a tent, marquee, booths or prefabricated buildings? * Required
      Will the event have a stage or platform? * Required
      Will the event have a seating stand? * Required
      Attach a file: Select stored file

        Event Promotion

        Attach a file: Select stored file

          In Kind Support/Sponsorship Request

          What is a grant? A grant is a service provided by Council. This could be support by way of funding, services or in kind support such as traffic management, risk management assistance, maintenance, waste and refuge support or other support as available and approved. 

          Do you require a meeting to determine what support you require/would like to request? * Required
          Would you like to request to use a Waste Trailer (Conditions of use apply)

          In Kind Requirements

          Qty RequiredIn-Kind Item
          Must be a number. 
          Item that you wish Council to provide

          Must be at least 1 rows

          Waste Trailer Request (Not Applicable)

          This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Would you like to request to use a Waste Trailer (Conditions of use apply)" on page 1

          Please note that the waste trailers are provided free of charge, however the organisation/group/individual submitting this application will be invoiced for the cost of the disposable of waste based on the Council's current schedule of fees. See more information below in the conditions of use. 

          Please indicate which waste trailer you are requesting

          Conditions of Use

          • Trailers are supplied free of charge and will be delivered and picked up from your event.
          • On pick up the trailer will be taken directly to the waste disposal facility where the total waste will be calculated and an invoice for the disposal of the waste will be sent to you for payment based upon Councils current schedule of fees.
          • Waste costs are calculated per total number of full bins received or volume in the skip bin.
          • Your request for the use of one of our trailers indicates your acceptance of the fee payable for waste disposal.
          • Non-payment of waste disposal fees will result in the availability of in-kind assets from Council being made unavailable until full payment is made.
          Have you read and understood these conditions?

          Document Uploads for In-Kind Support

          These documents may be required for Events and/or In-kind support requests. Staff will be in contact with any additional documents required. If you are unsure, leave this area blank.

          Attach a file: Select stored file
            Attach a file: Select stored file


              For Events:
              I declare that all the information supplied in this application is true and correct and I am authorised to sign on behalf of the organisation. Applicants will be liable for ensuring dial before you dig permits(unless specifically agreed to by council), and will be liable for any public infrastructure including underground services such as power, phone, water or sewerage lines, during the course of the event.

              I agree to this declaration * Required

              The West Wimmera Shire Council is a fair access Council. Before any grant can be approved applicants must read the Fair Access policy and indicate below your organisations support to this policy.

              WWSC Fair Access Policy

              We the Grant applicant:
              Must be a date. 

              West Wimmera Shire Council is committed to ensuring events hosted within the municipality are of the highest possible standard in relation to safety, delivery and experience.

              Organising an event can be a complex task. Council has a number of departments that are responsible for authorising approval for different elements of events.

              West Wimmera Shire Council has developed an Event Management Guide to assist event organisers by providing information, tools on event planning and outlining the legal requirements of running an event.

              Copies are available from the council offices or can be downloaded at westwimmera.vic.gov.au.
              For assistance contact Amanda Munn | 13 99 72 | events@westwimmera.vic.gov.au.